Implicit Bias: What it is, Why it Matters, and How to Navigate it

Virtual - Online


Topic: Implicit Bias: What it is, Why it Matters, and How to Navigate it

Speaker: Gina Rodriguez, PCC / Christie Carney

CCEs: 1.5 Core Competencies

Date: Thursday, September 29, 2022

Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time

This Special DEI Event will explore implicit bias and how it manifests in our thinking and actions as human beings. The brain naturally organizes information by looking for patterns, associations, and categories. Implicit bias is influenced by our background, culture, and experiences. Yet implicit thinking becomes a hindrance as we live and work in an increasingly diverse society. This Special DEI Event will evoke awareness on identifying biases, keeping them in check, and evolving beyond them.

$10.00 – $32.50