Lunch and Learn: Values in Coaching – Understanding Our Core and Acquired Values

Virtual - Online


Topic: Lunch and Learn: Values in Coaching - Understanding Our Core and Acquired Values

Speaker: Heidi Glunz, PCC

CCEs: 0.75 Core Competencies, 0.25 Resource Development

Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time

We are often told that the key to life satisfaction and wellbeing is to act out of our values. If this is the key to wellbeing, why do some people still not feel like they are at their best even when they are acting out of their values? Why is something still missing? Where is the life satisfaction, they have been striving for all their life? We will discuss the two types of values; Core values and Acquired values and how and why they differ in their ability to produce life satisfaction.