Topic: Coaching for Self-Actualization: Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to the COVID Era
Host: Timothy Tiryaki, PCC
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
In this session, we will explore how to use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in a coaching context through deepening our understanding of our client’s needs and their motivation to act and change. We will review the hierarchy of needs through the lens of workplace culture, and help coaches tap into their clients’ growth needs, including north star discovery.
Topic: You CAN Change Other People: The Four Steps to Help Your Employees, Colleagues – Even Family – Up Their Game
Speaker: Peter Bregman / Howard Jacobson, PH. D.
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Location: Virtual meeting via / Your link to join the conference will be sent after you register.
In this session, we will look at the 4 fundamentals that need to exist for people to make sustainable change, and we’ll share the Four Steps – the straightforward, methodical, and replicable process for reliably helping other people change
Topic: Money Conversations Made Easy: Learn how to not taking pricing personally
Speaker: Gretchen Hydo, MCC
CCEs: 0.5 Core Competencies / 1.0 Resources Development
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time
Many coaches struggle with pricing, packages, and their value. They're conflicted about what to charge and how to ask for their worth. Defining your value as a coach and knowing your differentiator, will help you to powerfully ask for your fee and gain confidence if/when a potential client gets nervous about the price. Learn how to communicate your coaching value and how to field client pricing objections.
CCEs: 0.5 Core Competencies / 1.0 Resource Development
Date: Friday, November 12, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time
If executive coaching is on your mind, we’re you’re SIG. Our backgrounds vary, from newbies to masters, but we all show up as learners. Ready to learn? Come join us. In November, we share our strategies for aiming as high as we know how on the corporate pyramid. Share your story or hear from others during this resource-rich 90-minutes. Turn on your video and join the conversation on the 12th!
Join us for this international Group & Team Coaching Panel featuring master and experienced coaches from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and North America. Coaches will share their experience, challenges, and best practices regarding the creation and marketing of programs, role clarity, coaching in a toxic environment and integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion. Post panel, discuss your takeaways and applications with your fellow coaches.
Topic: Deepening Your Somatic Awareness in Coaching Supervision - Part two
Host: Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC, ESIA
Speaker: Dr. Merle McKinley, MCC, MSC
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Pacific Time
One of the key tenants in coaching supervision is using ‘self as instrument”. This requires the supervisor to develop somatic awareness of their own body sensations and have the ability to articulate this awareness to create curiosity in the other. In supervision, we not only maintain our presence on the client, we also allow our own presence and humanity to come through us as we assist the practitioner to develop and grow.
Sensations of discomfort and pleasure are very similar. It is the narrative about these sensations that produce opening or constriction.
Topic: Recognizing Oppression: Coaching Tools for DEI Competency
Speaker: Bahia Yackzan
CCEs: 0.5 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Pacific Time
In this teleclass, participants will be introduced to Bahia’s step-by-step process for cultivating new pathways and inroads into an inclusive mindset using the Core Alignment and Emotional Wisdom training tools which are foundational to her DEI approach.
Topic: The Neuroscience of creating a sustainable coaching practice
Host: Ellen Cohen, J.D., CPCC, PCC
Speaker: Ursula Pottinga, CPCC, PCC
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Friday, November 19, 2021
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time
We will be exploring the neuroscience of creating a "Just right" coaching business, one that includes just enough excitement and reward for us to feel "in the zone". I will share a tool for balancing the doing and being networks and how to access what is needed with agility. Each of these concepts is applicable to us as coaches as well as any client we work with. This webinar will include a coaching demo, PPT handouts after the call, and a tool that you can use right away.
In this workshop, we will explore the importance of human connection for our health and well-being, and the 3 stages of human connection: Distancing, Empathy and Compassion. We will deep dive into the 2 types of empathy, their neural basis, and how excessive empathy can lead to empathic distress and distancing. We will also explore how to move from empathy to compassion and how compassion can protect us from empathic distress.
CCEs: 0.75 Core Competencies / 0.75 Resource Development
Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Pacific Time
Location: Virtual meeting via / Your link to join the conference will be sent after you register.
Wear Your Sparkle, Grab Your Favorite “Holiday Drink” & Connect with Your Fellow Coaches... ICF LA invites you to join the festivities….! Get ready for an interactive, fun-filled evening of play….
Unlock your creativity with LEGO® Serious Play® facilitated by Paul Sanbar.
Unleash your inner artist guided by Van Lai-DuMone.
Shine a Spotlight on Fellow Coaches who “Rock’d It”.