Calendar of Events
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Topic: MCC Group SIG
Host: Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC, ESIA
CCEs: 1.5 Resource Development
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM Pacific Time
The Master Certified Coach (MCC) is the highest level of coach certification offered by the ICF. As of 2020, there were only 1,258 MCC-accredited coaches in the world. This group is for MCCs to meet and learn from each other. We will discuss challenges, coaching trends, and how to advocate for the development of the coaching professional practice worldwide. Each session will be worth 1.5 Resource Development CCEs.
Coaching Supervision Group SIG
Coaching Supervision Group SIG
Topic: Coaching Supervision Group SIG
Speaker: Paul Sanbar, PCC, ESIA* / Courtney Birch Webster, PCC, CPCC
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Pacific Time
Supervision is a non-judgmental partnership in which the coach brings his/her work to a supervisor to explore challenges, ethical dilemmas, emotional responses, and how the personal may intrude into the professional. The supervisor does not evaluate or judge but holds a reflective space for learning and connection for the group.
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Teleclass: Top Three Ways Coaches Get in the Way of Coaching
Teleclass: Top Three Ways Coaches Get in the Way of Coaching
Topic: Top Three Ways Coaches Get in the Way of Coaching
Speaker: Alison Whitmire, PCC
CCEs: 1.5 Core Competencies
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Through this interactive class, we’ll provide you with a unique lens for identifying how we might be getting in the way of our coaching by revealing some of our most common coaching blindspots. We’ll take you on a journey through the coaching space of client and coach, simulate coaching exchanges to mine our experience for blindspots, and learn ways to minimize them.
We’ll be exploring our internal reactions to stressful coaching situations. We’ll explore how those reactions are a reflection of our patterns of thinking, feeling, and wanting that are largely outside of our awareness and affect our coaching. The session is fun, dynamic, and revealing.
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Executive Coaching SIG: Mapping Our Learning Year
Executive Coaching SIG: Mapping Our Learning Year
Topic: Mapping Our Learning Year
Host: Tom Henschel
CCEs: 0.5 Core Competencies / 1.0 Resource Development
Date: Friday, February 11, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time
If executive coaching is on your mind, we’re you’re SIG. Our backgrounds vary, from newbies to masters, but we all show up as learners. Ready to learn? Come join us.
February is our month to reconnect and create our learning wish list that will guide us through the rest of the year. During this lively, fun, reflective 90 minutes, you’ll stretch a little, greet old friends and make new ones.
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Group and Team Coaching SIG: Distinguishing between Group and Team Coaching
Group and Team Coaching SIG: Distinguishing between Group and Team Coaching
Topic: Distinguishing between Group & Team Coaching
Host: Diana Ideus, MCC
CCEs: 1.5 Core Competencies
Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time
What is the difference between Group & Team Coaching? How does whether you are working with a Group or Team change the coaching agreement, structure of the engagement, challenges, and best practices? Join us for this interactive Special Interest Group to build community with fellow coaches while differentiating between and building skill in Group & Team Coaching.
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Business Building SIG: Powerful Coaching Conversations: How to help clients with their money fears and objections
Business Building SIG: Powerful Coaching Conversations: How to help clients with their money fears and objections
Topic: Powerful Coaching Conversations: How to help clients with their money fears and objections
Speaker: Gretchen Hydo, MCC
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resources Development
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Bring your client conversation and client objections to this hands on, 90-minute SIG. Learn the ins and outs of how to prep potential clients to feel relaxed from their very first enrollment touchpoint through the close. Learn how to navigate client objections without triggering your own fears around money and client rejection. Bring your questions and real-world coaching situations so that we can run a game-film to help you learn how to be a rockstar at client enrollment.
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Emotional Intelligence SIG: The Impact of Our Blindspots on Our Coaching
Emotional Intelligence SIG: The Impact of Our Blindspots on Our Coaching
Topic: The Impact of Our Blindspots on Our Coaching
Speakers: Desiree Briel Rodi, ACC / Kathy Hadizadeh, PCC / Alison Whitmire, PCC
CCE’s: 1.5 Core Competencies
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific Time
This session will serve as both a follow-up to the February 10th Teleclass, "Top Three Ways Coaches Get In the Way of Coaching" with Alison Whitmire, and a stand-alone opportunity to dive deeper into blindspots. Alison will guide us through a more in-depth exploration into common coaching blindspots. Come look at the impact of our blindspots on our coaching, as well as how to notice them in the moment. Learn new strategies and tools to not only identify blindspots, but how to adopt new behaviors for building awareness and managing blindspots as coaches. Join us as we deepen our conversation and learnings around our own blindspots and kick off the year with greater clarity.
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Teleclass: Build an Irresistible Business Brand by Unleashing Your Authentic Voice
Teleclass: Build an Irresistible Business Brand by Unleashing Your Authentic Voice
Topic: Build an Irresistible Business Brand by Unleashing Your Authentic Voice
Speaker: Darlene Hawley
CCEs: 0.5 Core Competencies / 1.0 Resource Development
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
As an ambitious coach who wants to make an impact in the world, it’s vital that you have a clear, compelling message so that prospective clients are clear that they need your support and see you as the person that can help them. When we doubt our authentic voice and stay stuck and small, our message isn’t heard. We don’t have a consistent pipeline of our clients, and this diminishes our business success.
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Neuroscience SIG: From Feeling Stressed to Feeling Strong Science Based Practices for Greater Emotional Resiliency and Fulfillment
Neuroscience SIG: From Feeling Stressed to Feeling Strong Science Based Practices for Greater Emotional Resiliency and Fulfillment
Topic: From Feeling Stressed to Feeling Strong Science Based Practices for Greater Emotional Resiliency and Fulfillment
Host: Ellen Cohen, J.D., CPCC, PCC
Speaker: Ardeshir Mehran, Ph. D.
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Friday, February 25, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Time
In this session, we will share the emerging science of psychology, neuroscience, medicine, and resiliency on ways to restore your emotional and mental balance as you’re riding the waves.
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Teleclass: Survive And Thrive In The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Helping Clients Face Exponential Technology
Teleclass: Survive And Thrive In The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Helping Clients Face Exponential Technology
Topic: Survive And Thrive In The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Helping Clients Face Exponential Technology
Speaker: Pierre Dussault, PCC / Peter Scott, ACC
CCEs: 1.0 Core Competencies / 0.5 Resource Development
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific Time
Exponentially developing technology—especially artificial intelligence (AI)—brings huge promise but also confusing peril. AI has been called “The new electricity,” and 9.5 out of 10 CEOs expect their job to be disrupted by it. One study predicts nearly half of all jobs will be automated within 15 years. AI learning models double in size every 3 months and affect every aspect of our lives from our smartphones to our grocery stores to our schools. There are even AI applications for coaching.