Join THE ICF Los Angeles community


Welcome! Whether you are a new member or thinking of becoming a member, this page is designed to provide information to help you choose the type of membership that best suits you and outline all the benefits that come along with your ICFLA membership.

If you are a coach or considering becoming one, you will find an abundance of support and training as a member of our ICFLA community. We offer many ways to engage and learn throughout the year, and we’re certain you’ll find many opportunities that are right for you.

Once you become a member, create your Profile via the Dashboard (top right of the webpage) so that you can be included in our Find A Coach directory. A profile allows you to be found by companies and individuals looking to find a coach or other coaches who want to network with you, as well as provides a portal to make it easy to register for events and classes and access CCEs as earned through your active participation.

We know this can be a bit overwhelming at first. If you have any questions at all or just want someone to hold your hand through the process, contact any of the Membership Co-Directors or Ambassadors, and we’ll help answer your questions.

The ICFLA community is a rich and engaging community and we think you’ll like being a part of it. And likewise, we look forward to getting to know you!


Tiffany A. Dedeaux

ICFLA President

ICFLA Member

Coaches who are current members of ICF Global can join ICF Los Angeles as a full ICFLA Member.

Become a Member

To renew your membership Click Here

Community Associate

Coaches and anyone interested in coaching are welcome to join ICFLA as a Community Associate. ICF Global membership is not required.

Become a Community Associate

To renew your membership Click Here

To change your membership Click Here

Student Associate

For Students and Student Coaches who are enrolled in school or an ICF-approved program. ICF Global Membership is not required.

Become a Student Associate

To renew your membership Click Here

To change your membership Click Here


All other coaches, students, and anyone interested in becoming a coach can participate in ICFLA as a Guest.

Learn more about your participation options below.

When you become a member, you are automatically added to our newsletter list so that you are kept up-to-date on all we have to offer. You can unsubscribe at any time.

No increase in membership fees since 2020.

ICF Global Membership
(separate membership fee applies)
Required Optional Optional N/A
Annual Dues (Rolling 12 months) $90 $90 $45 N/A
Chapter Meeting (Includes Continuing Coach Education units, or CCEs) $30 $30 $30 $40
Webinars (CCEs are separate) Free Free Free $10
Webinar CCEs (per Unit) Free $15 - $22.50 $15 - $22.50 $15 - $22.50
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) - (CCEs are separate) Free Free Free $10
SIGs CCEs (per Unit) Free $15 - $22.50 $15 - $22.50 $15 - $22.50
Duplicate CCE Certificate (per Certificate) $5 $5 $5 $5
Quarterly Newsletter
Coaching Café
Find A Coach Listing
Events Calendar (post your own events)
Voting Rights
Board of Directors Leadership Opportunities
Associate Director Leadership Opportunities
Ambassador and other Volunteer Opportunities
Sponsorship Discount 10%